Schematics diagram
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1. BC639
2. BC640
First we must to test power supply part. Fuses F2 to F5 we leave out and for sure we check again circuit of rectifier and capacitor polarity. a zkontrolujeme pro jistotu zapojení usměrňovače a polaritu kondenzátorů. Possible error can be fatal. If is all OK, that on capacitors will be voltage about 51V. Exact voltage depends on used transformer and power line voltage. After disconnecting will be voltage on capacitor for a long time. We can discharge them with a resistor 100R 2W. It's possible, that with power-on blows fuse F1 even all is OK. In my situation is charging current too big, that I had place NTC thermistor in a series with primary transformer side. I get them from old PC power supply, where it has identical function. Better idea is to use "soft start" circuit, which is made from big resistor on primary side of transformer and relay, which short-circuit resistor after few seconds. I didn't found any circuit which I liked it.
When the power supply works correctly, we can go to test amplifier. First we set trmmer P1 to one end position with maximum resistance. In to the fuse holders for one channel we place resistors 100R 1/4W. With disconnected output and input we can power-on amplifier. On the resistor we would measure maximally 2.5V, which matches current 25mA. If is everything allright, we wait for discharging after power-off and replace resistor with fuses. Initially for testing we can use smaller values. I had switched two wires from power transistors on one channel and resistors smokes and smells. Really is better to everything double check.
Now we must set the bias current. Use amperemeter in place of F2. Turn the trimmer P1, until is current 100mA. How amplifier warming-up current is changing. Regulate current value when it is stabilized, which can be after 15 minutes. Identical procedure repeat for second channel.
With disconnected input we can measure DC offset on the output. In my example I measured 19mV on left channel and 22mV on right channel.
Now we can made regular tests and connects speakers and signal source. I tested with connecting of the amplifier input directly on the output of soundcard. You must carefully increase volume, because amplifier has enough power to destroy small speakers.