Monday, July 6, 2009

25 Watt MosFet Audio Amplifier

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R1,R4_________47K 1/4W Resistors
R2____________4K7  1/4W Resistor
R3____________1K5 1/4W Resistor
R5__________390R 1/4W Resistor
R6__________470R 1/4W Resistor
R7___________33K 1/4W Resistor
R8__________150K 1/4W Resistor
R9___________15K 1/4W Resistor
R10__________27R 1/4W Resistor
R11_________500R 1/2W Trimmer Cermet
R12,R13,R16__10R 1/4W Resistors
R14,R15_____220R 1/4W Resistors
R17___________8R2 2W Resistor
R18____________R22 4W Resistor (wirewound)

C1___________470nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C2___________330pF 63V Polystyrene Capacitor
C3,C5________470µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitors
C4,C6,C8,C11_100nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C7___________100µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C9____________10pF 63V Polystyrene Capacitor
C10____________1µF 63V Polyester Capacitor

Q1-Q5______BC560C 45V 100mA Low noise High gain PNP Transistors
Q6_________BD140 80V 1.5A PNP Transistor
Q7_________BD139 80V 1.5A NPN Transistor
Q8_________IRF530 100V 14A N-Channel Hexfet Transistor
Q9_________IRF9530 100V 12A P-Channel Hexfet Transistor

semiconductor list componen datasheet (PDF Format)

1. BC.560C
2. BD.140
3. BD.139
4. IRF.530
5. IRF.9530

6 Input Mixer

A simple mixer with 3 line inputs and 3 mic inputs using commonly available parts.

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The mixer circuit above has 3 line inputs and 3 mic inputs. The mic inputs are suitable for low impedance 200-1000R dynamic microphones. An ECM or condenser mic can also be used, but must have bias applied via a series resistor. As with any mixer circuit, a slight loss is always introduced. The final summing amplifier has a gain of 2 or 6dB to overcome this. The Input line level should be around 200mV RMS.

The mic inputs are amplified about 100 times or 40dB, the total gain of the mixer including the summing amplifier is 46dB. The mic input is designed for microphones with outputs of about 2mV RMS at 1 meter. Most dynamic microphones meet this standard.

The choice of op-amp is not critical in this circuit. Bipolar, FET input or MOS type op-amps can therefore be used; i.e 741, LF351, TL061, TL071, CA3140 etc. The power supply is a dual positive and negative supply, two 9 Volt batteries may be used as shown above or a power supply is recommended for longer periods of use.

Download list datasheet semiconductor component. (PDF Format)

1. LM741

2. LM324

3. LF351

4. NE5534

5. TL071

High Quality Intercom

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This circuit consists of two identical intercom units. Each unit contains a power supply, microphone preamplifier, audio amplifier and a Push To Talk (PTT) relay circuit. Only 2 wires are required to connect the units together. Due to the low output impedance of the mic preamp, screened cable is not necessary and ordinary 2 core speaker cable, or bell wire may be used.

The schematic can be broken into 34 parts, power supply, mic preamp, audio amplifierand PTT circuit. The power supply is designed to be left on all the time, which is why no on / off switch is provided. A standard 12 V RMS secondary transformer of 12VA will power the unit. Fuses are provided at the primary input and also secondary, before the rectifier. The 1 A fuse needs to be a slow blow type as it has to handle the peak rectifier current as the power supply electrolytics charge from zero volts.

The microphone amplifier is a 2 transistor direct coupled amplifier. BC108B transistors will work equally well in place of the BC109C transistors. The microphone used is a 3 terminal electret condenser microphone insert. These are popular and require a small current to operate. The preamp is shown in my audio circuit section as well, but has a very high gain and low distortion. The last transistor is biased to around half the supply voltage; this provides the maximum overload margin for loud signals or loud voices. The gain may be adjusted with the 10k preset. Sensitivity is very high, and a ticking clock can easily be heard from the distant loudspeaker.

The amplifier is based on the popular National Semiconductor LM380. A 50 mV input is all thats required to deliver 2W RMS into an 8 ohm loudspeaker. The choice of loudspeaker determines overall sound quality. A small loudspeaker may not produce a lot of bass, I used an old 8 inch radio loudspeaker. The 4.7u capacitor at pin 1 of the LM380 helps filter out any mains hum on the power supply. This can be increased to a 10u capacitor for better power supply rejection ratio.

The push to talk (PTT) circuit is very simple. A SPDT relay is used to switch between mic preamplifier output or loudspeaker input. The normally closed contact is set so that each intercom unit is "listening". The non latching push button switch must be held to talk. The 100u capacitor across the relay has two functions. It prevents the relays back emf from destroying the semiconductors, and also delays the release of the relay. This delay is deliberate, and prevents any last word from being "chopped" off.

Download datasheet semiconductor component. (PDF Format)

1. BC.109C
2. LM.380
3. IN.4001

Micro Power AM Broadcast Transmitter

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1. 2N3904

2. 74HC14

In this circuit, a 74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger inverter is used as a square wave oscillator to drive a small signal transistor in a class C amplifier configuration. The oscillator frequency can be either fixed by a crystal or made adjustable (VFO) with a capacitor/resistor combination. A 100pF capacitor is used in place of the crystal for VFO operation. Amplitude modulation is accomplished with a second transistor that controls the DC voltage to the output stage. The modulator stage is biased so that half the supply voltage or 6 volts is applied to the output stage with no modulation. The output stage is tuned and matched to the antenna with a standard variable 30-365 pF capacitor. Approximately 20 milliamps of current will flow in the antenna lead (at frequencies near the top of the band) when the output stage is optimally tuned to the oscillator frequency. A small 'grain of wheat' lamp is used to indicate antenna current and optimum settings. The 140 uH inductor was made using a 2 inch length of 7/8 inch (OD) PVC pipe wound with 120 turns of #28 copper wire. Best performance is obtained near the high end of the broadcast band (1.6 MHz) since the antenna length is only a very small fraction of a wavelength. Input power to the amplifier is less than 100 milliwatts and antenna length is 3 meters or less which complies with FCC rules. Output power is somewhere in the 40 microwatt range and the signal can be heard approximately 80 feet. Radiated power output can be approximated by working out the antenna radiation resistance and multiplying by the antenna current squared. The radiation resistance for a dipole antenna less than 1/4 wavelength is

R = 80*[(pi)^2]*[(Length/wavelength)^2]*(a factor depending on the form of the current distribution) The factor depending on the current distribution turns out to be [(average current along the rod)/(feed current)]^2 for short rods, which is 1/4 for a linearly-tapered current distribution falling to zero at the ends. Even if the rods are capped with plates, this factor cannot be larger than 1. Substituting values for a 9.8 foot dipole at a frequency of 1.6 MHz we get R= 790*.000354*.25 = .07 Ohms. And the resistance will be only half as much for a monopole or 0.035 Ohms. Radiated power at 20 milliamps works out to about I^2 * R = 14 microwatts.


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download list datasheet semiconductor component. (PDF Format)

1. IN.4148

2. BC.548

3. 2N.2222A

4. SL.100B

The circuit of AM transmitter is designed to transmit (amplitude modulated) DSB (double side band) signals. A modulated AM signal consists of a carrier and two symetrically spaced side bands. The two side bands have the same amplitude and carry the same information. In fact, the carrier itself coveys or carries no information. In a 100% modulated AM signal 2/3 rd of the power is wasted in the carrier and only 1/6th of the power is contained in each side band.

In this transmitter we remove the carrier and transmitt only the two side bands. The effective output of the circuit is three times that of an equivalent AM transmitter.

Op Amp IC741 is used here as a microphone amplifier to amplify the voice picked up by the condenser microphone. The output of the op amp is fed to the double balanced modulator (DBM) build around four IN4148 diodes. The modulation level can be adjusted with the help of preset VR1.

The carrier is generated using crystal oscillator wired around BC548 transistor T2. The carrier is further amplified by transistor T1, which also acts as a buffer between carrier oscillator and the balanced modulator. The working frequency of the transmitter can be changed by using crystals of different frequencies. For multi frequency operation, selection of different crystals can be made using a selector switch.

Ths output of the DBM contains only the product (of audio and carrier) frequencies. The DBM suppresses both the input signals and produces double side band suppressed carrier (DSBSC) at its output. However, since the diodes used in the balanced modulator are not fully matched, the output of the DBM does contain some residual carrier. This is known as carrier leakage. By adjusting the 100 ohm preset VR2 and trimmer C7 you can null the carrier leakage.

To receive DSB signals you need a beat frequency oscillator to reinsert the missing carrier. If you don't have a beat frequency oscillator, or want to transmitt only AM signal, adjust preset VR2 to leak some carrier so that you can receive the signals on any ordinary radio receiver. In AM mode 100% modulation can be attained by adjusting preset VR1 and VR2.

The DSBSC signal available at the output of the balanced modulator is amplified by two stages of RF linear amplifiers. Transistor 2N2222A (T3) is used as an RF pre amplifier, which provides enough signal amplification to drive the final power amplifier build around transistor SL100B. The output of the final power amplifier is connected to the antenna.

All coils are to be wound ferrite balun core (same as used in TV balun transformer of size 1.4 cm * 0.6 cm) using 24 swg enameled copper wire. Proper heat sink should be provided for SL100B transistor used as final power amplifier.

X1 - 8+8 Turns Bifalar 24 SWG On TV Balune Core
X2 - Primary 12 Turns, Secondary 4 Turns. 24 SWG on TV Balun Core (dot indicates start of coil).
X3 - 20 Turns 24 SWG on TV Balun Core

Range of the circuit depends on the type of antenna used. It is very important to use matched antenna to radiate the signals effectively. I used horizontal dipole antenna, which is simple and easy to construct. For 7 MHz, ie 40 meter ham band the length of dipole antenna will be 20 meter. Use 75 Ohms co-axial cable to connect antenna and transmitter. I was able to get 57 report from station 80 kilometer away. You can easily add a Linear RF amplifier using IRF830 to get more power.

Circuit designed by YUJIN BOBY VU3PRX
Published in Electronics For You Dec 2000